staffs only the most knowledgeable and gear loving outdoors people. Located in Northern California, most employees
spend their leisure time exploring the California Redwoods, kayaking the Monterey Bay, and seeking out adventure
high-and-low. Our love for the great outdoors fuels our passion for getting the right outdoor gear to you.
The basic philosophy of our company is simple: we sell only the best of the best and at the best price, because getting outside shouldn't cost you an arm and a leg. We offer only gear and clothing that we ourselves would use. The warmest North Face jacket, most waterproof Arc'Teryx shell, and only the best backpacking Nemo tent on the market—anything less than perfect is unacceptable. Every item available on our site is one of our employees' “favorite”, each item has been picked and prodded until we feel that there is nothing better, and if there is please do let us know.
We offer a large selection of high quality outdoor sporting goods, ranging from the best ski jackets to top-notch climbing gear and more. Our products can be ordered online or over the phone, we love talking gear. Our turn-around time on orders is fast, once your order comes in it's packed and shipped within 48 hours. We try our best to use recycled boxes for shipping and keep packaging to an optimal amount, reducing our carbon footprint and taking a sustainable approach to shipping.
Take some time to cruise our shop, stop by our North Face store to check out the latest and greatest in The North Face footwear, apparel, and gear. Venture over to our Dale of Norway shop for wool ski sweaters and traditional Norwegian sweaters. If you ever find yourself with a gear question, please make sure to ring us, send an e-mail, or use our LiveChat option. We here at NorwaySports are passionate about two things, customer service and the great outdoors.
Shop with confidence at we have been serving outdoor enthusiasts since 1999 and are committed to providing an exceptional customer service. We are customer certified, trusted, or highly rated small and independently-owned online store.
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*excludes closeouts and sale items, limit one item per customer, in-stock items only, while supplies last, not combinable with other offers
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